Do you often wonder what prompts people to buy from you and what deters them? Have you been able to pinpoint which one of your Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn message hit the bull’s eye perfectly? Developing compelling messages for all three stages of your Buyer’s Journey may be the answer!

The key to being successfully speaking to your potential buyers is knowing your Buyer Personas and developing your Customer’s Journey Mapping. After that, it’s only a matter of speaking to them in an engaging way no matter which stage of the stages they are on their Buyer’s Journey.

Your next step will be to optimize your messages for each stage of the Buyer’s Journey.

The 3 Stages of The Buyer’s Journey



This is the first stage, when someone is new to you, or when you are new in business. and everyone is just checking you out.


At this stage, your potential customers already are attracted to you, but they’re not ready to buy.


This is where you’d like to lead people eventually, to make a decision and buy from you.

Messaging Best Practices for Each Stages


Messaging for the Awareness Stage

At this stage, you’ll want people to recognize the value in your product(s) or service(s). You’ll want them to feel that you can be trusted, and you do that by offering information about your offerings, some valuable educational ideas, maybe some insights of how your business works.

They need to know that you would be available for them via messaging, email, or phone if they had any questions.

Messaging  for the Evaluation Stage

As I said it before, at this stage they’re already are attracted to you, but they’re not ready to buy.  They may not need your service(s) or product(s) just yet. Or they would like to purchase, but they haven’t done their research yet, or they don’t have the funds available.  Your goal should be to keep their interest and deepen their trust towards you.

It is crucial for you to engage people at this stage, because when their need arrives, you’d like to be top of their minds. At the Evaluation stage…

  • you can give more details about your product(s) and service(s)
  • make your pricing available for them to look at
  • offer a freebie or a low-cost solution (webinar, small group workshop, samples if you’re product-based) to show what it would be like to work with you or use your products

Messaging for the Purchase Stage

The most important factor at this stage is to create an easy, smooth UX (User Experience) to buy from you. Think one-click purchase, multiple payment options, money-back guarantee, etc…

Useful, but not necessary is a landing page for a product, service, course, or any other offerings.  You could give consideration to adding testimonials, a sense of time urgency, and some sort of guarantee to make their purchase more appealing.

These are pointers I have found most valuable for my small business and my small business marketing clients. I’d love to hear your opinion or any takeaways you would like to share via email.